The Bookstore
Welcome to the WEE Store! We have included books by each of our ambassadors and speakers for your reference, organized by last name.
Zoe Flowers
Founder of Soul Requirements
Zoë Flowers is a filmmaker, producer, author, poet, actress, Reiki Master, and writer with the Huffington Post. Her poetry and essays can be found in Stand Our Ground; Poems for Trayvon Martin and Marissa Alexander, Dear Sister: Letters from Survivors of Sexual Assault and several online journals.
In 2004, Zoë Flowers interviewed survivors about their experiences with domestic and sexual violence. From Ashes To Angel's Dust: A Journey Through Womanhood is the book that emerged from the interviews. ASHES - a ChoreoDrama that uses monologues, poems and vignettes to breathe life into the original stories chronicled in Zoë’s book and includes new stories about historical oppression, the media, campus sexual assault, body image, and the journey to self-love.
Now, with eighteen years of experience, Zoë works nationally and internationally, has appeared on NPR, spoken at Yale University, and Smith College on the issues of domestic/sexual violence and is the Director of Survivor Programs at the Women of Color Network, Inc. Her 1st webseries RODE is currently in pre-production.

Zoe's Book:
Victoria Guardon
Author, Speaker
La autora Victoria Guadron nace en Guatemala, es una mujer que le apasiona marcar la diferencia en la sociedad y darle una voz a todo el movimiento del empoderamiento femenino que ha sido su motor para escribir este libro; además de su amor por la escritura desde temprana edad que lo considera su verdadero idioma. Su capacidad de crecimiento la ha llevado a desempeñarse como empresaria, socia fundadora de Sacred Diamond Inc y como presentadora de Televisión en el Programa La mujer de hoy donde transmite ese mensaje de amor propio de la mujer y su desarrollo desde un enfoque moderno.
Victoria Guadron es defensora de la comunidad Maestra de sanación pránica y maestra de Reiki, lo que la hace conectarse con su lado espiritual y más humano donde también practica la pintura y la lectura como métodos de relajación y aprendizaje. Comparte todas sus virtudes como una mujer de cambio en un hogar de cuatro hijos que ama profundamente al igual que su marido Jorge Ortiz donde inculca valores de respeto y crecimiento. Es un ejemplo perfecto de la mujer moderna que sabe balancear su vida empresarial exitosa con un hogar lleno de felicidad e interacción por las redes sociales, le gusta actualizar sus conocimientos con seminarios trimestrales para no perder su conexión con el día a día. Victoria desea seguir escalando todas sus metas para lograr el éxito en todo lo que se propone y hacer un cambio social donde las mujeres son dueñas de su futuro.
Don't miss her television program, La Mujer de Hoy on Fridays at 4PM, Chanel 76 San Francisco

Victoria's Book:
Mercedes Guzman
Creator of ICLP
Mercedes Guzman is the creator of ICLP, powerful technique to heal your inner child. She is an inspirational speaker, teacher and a reverent. She worked with thousands of people helping them heal their past and transform their lives. Mercedes has been featured in many magazines, radio shows and television such as CNN, FORBES, TELEMUNDO, Univision, AIB, Televisa, Defiesta magazine and Mundo hispanico. Join more than 9000 followers on facebook and get daily inspirations from Mercedes. You can also find her inner child videos on youtube.
Mercedes's Book:

Sonia Hassey
President and Founder of Women Inspired Network, Inc. and Destiny Women Global
Sonia Hassey is President and Founder of Women Inspired Network, Inc. and Destiny Women Global, a women’s transformational leadership program empowering thousands of women globally to become heart-driven leaders. Sonia is an exciting speaker whose motivating messages, full of enthusiasm and heart, has been inspiring audiences for years. She is known as a woman who is on a mission to see others experience the greatness that is in all of us. Sonia stays active bringing heart-centered leadership to her community, supporting women through Destiny Women Global’s programs, including community advocacy for young women through her Destiny Women Global Foundation and her Young Women’s Leadership Program. Her biggest "Why" is to see women transformed through renewed confidence in their ability to discover their purpose, believe in themselves and create the destiny they deserve.
Sonia's Books:

Clelia Rodriguez
Global Professor
Clelia O. Rodríguez is a woman of colour and an educator, born and raised in El Salvador. She holds a PhD from the University of Toronto. Professor Rodriguez has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on Hispanic studies at the University of Toronto, Washington College, the University of Ghana and the University of Michigan. In addition, she was a leading human rights professor in the United States, Nepal, Jordan and Chile as part of a comparative study abroad program.
Cleclia's Book: